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What are the pros and cons of walking your cat?

cat walking on a leash

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A year ago, if we’d have seen someone walking their cat on the end of a leash, we’d have rolled our eyes and laughed.

But more owners than ever are taking their cats outside on harnesses for exercise, companionship, and fresh air.  

We’ve seen a few people doing it now and the cat has always looked happy and relaxed yet engaged with its environment. 

And with so many of us now living in apartments and urban areas, it makes sense that this is a good thing for our pet’s welfare, right?

But with some veterinarians and animal welfare charities actively advising against it, we wanted to ask what are the pros and cons of walking your cat and should owners be encouraged or discouraged to do it? 

Why would people need to walk a cat?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to walk a cat.  

What are the pros of walking a cat?

There can be some real benefits to walking a cat outside. 


What are the cons of walking a cat?

Is it weird to walk a cat?

Some people think it’s very weird to walk a cat whilst others don’t.  It’s still pretty uncommon in most places but with so many of us now living in apartments, it’s going to become more common.  And honestly, if your cat is happy to go and your comfortable taking them, then who cares if it looks a little odd.  If it’s not weird to you, then what’s the problem? 

Is it cruel to walk a cat on a lead?

Not necessarily, but you should make sure the lead fits correctly. You should also consider a harness over a leash which is more secure. Leads which are ill-fitting or unsecured could release when unexpectedly, and your cat get loose and run off.

As with collars, the general rule of thumb is two fingers under the harness for a comfortable fit — any more or less and you’ll need to tighten or loosen it.

If your cat does not enjoy being put in a harness or on a leash or displays any anxiety or aggression, then you should stop immediately.

How often should you walk your cat?

It depends on how often your cat wants to go for a walk and how regularly you want to take them.

You can walk your cat as often as they want to. You should try and keep walks short though especially in the beginning, and pay attention to the weather — cats are unlikely to want to be out in the rain and during the heat they may become exhausted.

Having a walking schedule can be helpful.  Cats who enjoy going out may become demanding throughout the day.  You don’t want your cat calling the shots on walkies. 

What cat breeds can you walk on a leash?

You can try and encourage any cat to walk on a leash but there are some breeds which are more open to the idea than others. Abyssinian cats because they’re energetic, for example, also Bengals, Burmese, Siamese, and Savannah cats.

Where possible encourage them to walk from a kitten as you may have more look with other breeds when they’re younger. 

Can you train a cat to walk on a leash?


There are pros and cons of walking your cat but ultimately, it’s down to your discretion as the owner.  Cats can thrive outdoors even when they’re in a harness or they can quickly become overwhelmed. 

You know your cat’s personality better than anyone but it could be worth trying if you’re worried that your cat needs some fresh air and exercise but there are other ways of encouraging your cat to enjoy the outdoors.

We’ve recently written some posts that you may find useful if your cat doesn’t take to walking outdoors. You can find out more about buying an outdoor cat enclosure which allows a cat to enjoy the outdoors but in a confined area.

You can also use a cage or crate to take a cat outside.   

If you really want to get out into your neighborhood with your pet, you might like to find out more about using a cat stroller.  

If you want to carry them on the back, you can wear a cat backpack. Finally, you can also buy carriers that you can wheel along.  Extra-large pet carriers on wheels can be a great way of getting your cat from A to B. 

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