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Do Cats Fart When They’re Scared?

cat scared sitting next to man in sheet

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If you’ve ever had a dog, you’ll know how powerful pet flatulence can be but have you ever noticed your cat passing gas?

It got us thinking: has our little darling been dropping silent bombs without us noticing?  And if so, what causes it and do cats fart when they’re scared (or happy or as a defence mechanism?).

Do Cats Fart?

Yes. Cats can fart.

There are several reasons why your cat might feel the need to pass wind during the day.

Do Cats Fart When They’re Scared?

It’s possible. Cats may also urinate or poop when they’re nervous or terrified. It’s not all that different from what happens to humans.  The brain sends a signal to the stomach and it responds – sometimes it’s controllable and sometimes it isn’t. 

Do Cats Fart as a Defensive Mechanism?

This question made us smile because, well, the mental image.  It’s unlikely your cat is farting as a defence mechanism. If you watch two cats circling for a fight, you’ll see a fine-tuned performance of aggression and appeasement rather than a farting contest for dominance!  It may be that your cat is scared and is exhibiting a fear response like me mentioned above.

Plenty of cats don’t like being handled or picked up and respond in more traditional ways: wriggling, scratching, biting, meowing, etc. If your cat is farting when they don’t want to be bothered or handled, it’s probably more to do with their diet and if you’re concerned you should look into going grain-free or consult a veterinarian. The pressure on the belly is more likely to responsible for any passing gas rather than a defence mechanism but cats do strange things, so we wouldn’t put it past some cats to do this!

Do Cats Fart When They’re Happy?

If a cat’s feeling very relaxed, they might.

Why Do Cats Fart When You Pick Them Up?

It’s likely to be the pressure on their belly when you lift them.  Be careful about handling cats after they’ve eaten.

Why Have I Never Heard My Cat Fart?

Your cat must have reasonable digestive health.  You can bet they’re farting but you can’t hear them.

Why Does My Cat Fart in my Face?

Mikel Delgado told Inverse that cats communicate more through smell than sight. He says that having a cat’s butt in your face is a hello, a friendly greeting and a sign of trust.  The fart is likely to be a coincidence that you’re noticing because it’s audible or has a smell.

Cats do fart but mostly we don’t notice.  If your cat is doing it regularly and if there’s a putrid smell to it, then it’s worth looking at the pet’s diet and asking your veterinarian if you should switch them to grain-free.  Excess farting can also be a sign of an illness and should be discussed with a vet for treatment.

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